Janus Photo Update – Nicola And Priscilla

Just added to the Janus Online Shop for the festive period is Encore Janus 10 featuring 85 iconic images of Nicola and Priscilla from the Janus archive!

Nicola Redway and Priscilla Waters are possibly the most popular girls ever to appear in the magazine’s long history. Neither were professional models and,  to the best of our knowledge,  they did no other modelling work. The story goes that they were best friends at University together and approached the magazine to earn a bit of extra money. Nicola and Priscilla certainly both embody the ‘girl next door’  image the editorial team were seeking to capture on film.

Sadly only eleven images survive from their debut story ‘Teacher’s Pets’  in Janus 23,  but we have practically everything from their Janus 46 follow-up appearance. The colour images from this photo shoot are amazing and there is the added bonus of some unseen photos from this legendary issue.

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of their first appearance,  we hope you enjoy this unique collection. Don’t miss Encore Janus 11 (which will be published next week) featuring all the surviving photos from the girl’s interview in Janus 48 and Nicola’s final solo appearance in Janus 68.

More photos can be found here:

Encore Janus 10 can be downloaded here:

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Februs 19 - Permanent Possibility of Sensation

‘What happened last time you disappointed me,  Muriel?’

I swallowed hard,  I stood demurely to attention,  I met his eyes with mine and whispered,  ‘You spanked me.’

‘I  “spanked you”. Bit of an understatement,  I’d have thought. I seem to remember tanning your backside so hard and so long that you couldn’t wear underclothes for two days and my hand was too numb to hold the cutlery at dinner.’

I remember: my body remembered even as he described the event. I forgot the cause of his displeasure,  but I definitely recalled the sound of his palm striking my naked bottom;  the layers of feelings that went beyond pain,  into numbness and back into agony as he slapped remorselessly at my juddering flesh;  the scent of warm skin that built up and pervaded the room.

Standing there before him,  once more inspiring his wrath,  I felt an ominous warm expansion at the top of my legs,  a tautening of my nipples,  a cool shiver down my spine. He said it would be even harsher if I angered him again…

A selection of more unpublished photos can be found here:

Februs 19 can be downloaded here:

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Coming A Cropper – Janus 152

The maid had opened the main door to Helen Daniels,  shown the stable girl into the spacious lounge then discreetly retired. Helen had no idea why she had been summoned to the big house. Living in rooms above the stables like the other girls and lads who tended the race horses owned by Lady Marsha Tewkesury, this was a rare treat, to glimpse how the rich and privileged lived.

The girl gasped. She hadn’t heard anyone enter,  yet Lady Marsha was suddenly there,  clad as was usual during the day in riding gear of hacking jacket and jodhpurs. ‘So,’  the elegant woman said in her refined tones,  ‘you are Helen Daniels.’

More photos can be found here:

Janus 152 can be downloaded here:

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The Punishment Panties - Janus 124

More years ago that she cares to remember,  when Hilary Hanbury-Boyce (nee Winchester) weighed eight stone two and tripped slip-hipped down the village street,  face like a fresh opened flower and youth in her blood,  the men she passed would whistle,  or groan with desire,  or stop in their tracks and gape.

Stuttered requests for dates,  letters declaring undying passion,  Valentines by the sackful,  all were no more than a lovely girl had come to expect. The hearts young Hilary broke when she married a soldier of considerably maturer years were legion. But that was long since,  the world has moved on…

Today an equally lovely girl walks up the same village street. Her name is Kirsten Holmwood. Her blonde hair flows like sunwashed silk,  her firm young limbs and lissom body move with natural grace. She is scared,  yet there is a terrible thrilling in her. She has done something terrible and knows that retribution is about to be enacted.

Why has Kristen come to the house on the hill today? She knows well enough what happens to girls who report here,  for this is where the local disciplinarian lives. She reaches the imposing front door. Gripping the time-weathered knocker,  her hand trembles. She almost turns and runs,  but screws up her courage.


More photos can be found here:

Janus 124 can be downloaded here:

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Carrie's Confessor - Latest Janus Photo Update

Carrie’s Confessor –  Janus 112

Carrie’s friend Jennifer suggested it. Go to Alan and tell him everything. He’d be able to help because Alan knew about such things. You see,  Carrie had a problem. Well,  actually,  she had four of them. Boyfriends that is;  they were the problem. And now she was feeling guilty. She’d been brought up to be well-behaved,  nice,  and correct. Unfortunately,  Carrie was none of these and she knew it.

The trouble was that she could never say  ‘No’  –  that was always what happened when ever she tried to be nice. She knew that she could exercise more control,  but her needs always seemed to take over from her mind. Promiscuity was becoming a way of life and Carrie desperately wanted to stop before something serious happened. Perhaps Jennifer had been right. Perhaps she should tell someone who was objective. Perhaps she should go and see Alan. Heart pounding,  Carrie went to see Alan. He told her that she could only absolve herself if she was honest. She had to tell him everything,  and she had to accept his solution. He could exorcise her guilt to humiliation and punishment.

To see more of Carrie’s punishment you can download a copy of Janus 112 by clicking on the highlighted link.

More photos can be found here:

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Alice – Janus 75

We’re pleased to feature some more spanking images from the continuation of the photo story  ‘Alice’  which appeared in Janus 75. She does have the most spankable bottom,  which is certainly shown to its best advantage in these amazing photos by Vic Barnes. Examples of Vic’s trademark  ‘impact shot’  feature prominently in this classic photo shoot.

To see more of Alice, you can download copies of Janus 60, Janus 74 and Janus 75 by clicking on the highlighted links.

More photos can be found here:

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Alice - Janus 74

It has been two years since Alice fell under the spell of the enigmatic Selina  (see Janus 60). Two years of submissive devotion to her female  ‘Svengali’  have changed the girl. But now Selina has moved on,  leaving Alice with a newfound confidence.

Alice has become a model,  the perfect job for her vain and admittedly narcissistic new character. Emotionally,  she is more stable and less dependent on other people. She now makes her own decisions and working for herself is a rewarding experience.

Something is missing from Alice’s new life,  however,  and of course she knows just what it is. When she came to see us recently and talked and talked,  we realised we had another candidate for the Black Room.

Janus 74 can be downloaded here:

More photos from Alice can be found here:

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Paula Meadows - The Janus Interview

What is there left to say about Paula Meadows? A wonderful model,  outstanding illustrator and editor extraordinaire! It’s difficult to think of anyone else who has contributed as much,  and in so many different way,  to the CP scene.

Fortunately Paula had plenty to say for herself about her time with Janus and Februs when she met with Janus archivist Jon Rayworth a few weeks back. In a brand new interview Paula talks about how she became involved with Janus and her life since leaving that world behind. ‘I don’t think Paula or I wanted to revisit events that had already been well documented’  says Rayworth. ‘This interview covers new ground. It was fascinating to hear for the first time about her career as an artist and model before Janus and what it was like to work on these magazines.’

Click on the link below to read what will certainly be Paula’s last interview on the subject.

Paula Meadows – The Final Word

To celebrate her work you can download a Janus Collection of her favourite illustrations and Encore Janus 9 has just been released,  gathering together in high quality all the remaining archive prints from her appearances as a model in Janus 13,  Janus 21 ,  Janus 29 and Janus 38 .

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The Chair - Janus 35

21-year-old Joanna received a caning in her one and only Janus appearance in Janus 35. She featured in the photo fantasy  ‘The Chair’  and also gave an interview about her real life experiences of corporal punishment in the same issue. ‘The Chair’  is a delightfully simple scenario featuring just Joanna,  the chair and the cane. She is caned in every conceivable position across this single piece of furniture. Only a few words accompany this photo fantasy –  ‘The Chair is not for sitting on – well,  not for the moment anyway…’

More photos can be found here:

Janus 35 can be downloaded here:

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All Yours – Janus 24

It would be fair to say that Janus 24 is probably best remembered for Antonia du Bois’s final appearance in the magazine. The spanking photo fantasy  ‘All Yours’  is often overlooked,  coming as it does in the middle of a formidable run of issues that appeared in the early 1980s. Peter French and Vic Barnes always tried to ensure that each issue of Janus was different from what had gone before. They knew the easy option was to put a model in a uniform on every cover but instead decided to develop unique corporal punishment scenarios for each photo fantasy. This approach distinguished the magazine from many of it’s rivals at the time.

Written by Peter French  ‘All Yours’  is a submissive fantasy for readers to loose themselves in.

‘Every gentleman should have a girl whose will is his command – who finds her keenest pleasure in obeying him,  risking chastisement when she fails. Or better still,  several…’

More photos can be found here:

Janus 24 is available to download here:

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