Janus Photo Update – Nicola And Priscilla

Just added to the Janus Online Shop for the festive period is Encore Janus 10 featuring 85 iconic images of Nicola and Priscilla from the Janus archive!

Nicola Redway and Priscilla Waters are possibly the most popular girls ever to appear in the magazine’s long history. Neither were professional models and,  to the best of our knowledge,  they did no other modelling work. The story goes that they were best friends at University together and approached the magazine to earn a bit of extra money. Nicola and Priscilla certainly both embody the ‘girl next door’  image the editorial team were seeking to capture on film.

Sadly only eleven images survive from their debut story ‘Teacher’s Pets’  in Janus 23,  but we have practically everything from their Janus 46 follow-up appearance. The colour images from this photo shoot are amazing and there is the added bonus of some unseen photos from this legendary issue.

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of their first appearance,  we hope you enjoy this unique collection. Don’t miss Encore Janus 11 (which will be published next week) featuring all the surviving photos from the girl’s interview in Janus 48 and Nicola’s final solo appearance in Janus 68.

More photos can be found here:

Encore Janus 10 can be downloaded here:

EJ10 janus46Aphoto040 janus46Bphoto003

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