All The Surveys

Perhaps this is this site’s most popular feature with nearly 2,000 responses so far. This is double barreled for me,  firstly they bring me a good amount of traffic which equates to extra revenue from my affiliate programs,  and they also let people let go for a bit. All surveys are anonymous which is perhaps why people are able to let go. You will find the results of each one throughout this blog.

Getting A Birthday Spanking.

Did you ever get a birthday spanking at any point in your life? If you did,  who spanked you and how did they do it?

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Giving A Birthday Spanking

This survey is for you to tell us about a birthday spanking you have given.

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Fantasy Birthday Spanking.

Did you not get or give one, ever? No problem, you can always explore your fantasy side.

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Dana Specht Spanks

Every year Dana Specht and I conduct an interview and we seek user submitted questions and ideas. Have you ever imagined a spanking by Dana? Be careful who you nominate for a spanking as all submissions are passed on to Dana so she will know 😉

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A Panty Spanking Survey

25,000 people have searched for panty spankings on my sites over the last 5 years. Do you have a panty spanking fetish? If so then this survey is for you. Your first spanking over panties,  first panty spanking given,  favorite types of panties,  do you remember your first spanking over nylon panties. Silk,  satin,  nylon,  cotton,  you name it,  it is a panty spanker’s paradise.

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Bedtime Spankings

What are your thoughts on bedtime spankings? Should panties be worn? Your thoughts on bedtime spankings.

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Create A Fantasy 1

You pick a male spanker,  it could be yourself,  and you pick a female spankee,  either from the list or yourself. Then describe what happens.

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Create A Fantasy 2

Same as above only this time it is the female spanker’s turn. Pick from the list or someone you know,  then pick who is getting spanked. What they are spanked with and how.

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Favorite Fantasy

What is your favorite fantasy scene? Use your creative mind to tell us what triggers work for you. I have given examples but feel free to create your own. As an example “Who is doing the spanking” could be ‘My Father’, or for “Who is the spankee” the answer could be ‘I am the daughter’ etc. The survey is anonymous so feel free to be as creative as you want, when you picture the ideal scene, what does it for you?

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Good Neighbors

Do you have a neighbor that makes you think of spanking,  either now or in the past? Is there someone who needs to go over your knee,  or perhaps you need to go over theirs? Think about that person as you answer these questions.
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Panty Spanking Survey

As I mention in the survey below,  two of my sites in the last 5 years have had 25,000 people arrive after having used the search term “Panties” in some form. So as these surveys can be popular,  here is a chance for the lovers of panty spankings to share their thoughts. I am expecting this to be driven strongly by male respondents though I would love for women to take part. Once the survey is done I will give an overall summary and share some of the best tales. Finally,  I have thousands of pics,  whether they be panty spanking pics or beautiful covered bottoms. If you wish to get pics sent to your email every week then just leave your email address at the bottom of the survey. It won’t be shared with anyone and practically all of these pics will never be posted on my blogs.

Will Be Back Soon

I’m away for a few days at the Florida Moonshine party. To keep you busy though, I created this quick little survey which I will share the results when I get back. Here is the link to the FIRST EVER SPANKING that I gave to my girlfriend,  on the seat of her white nylon panties. Do you guys remember your firsts? I want this to be non immediate family members so I want to know about your first experience outside of the home. Aunt’s Uncle’s Husbands and Wives are fine. Be as creative as you want if you have no experience to go on.

While I am Building

As you can see, we have a brand new site. There is a lot of work that I need to do yet, I have to build some new pages, add links to everyone who links in, format the SEO, then hope everyone updates their own link to show my new site. As I am busy building though, her is another popular survey to allow you some input. As you will see at top, these surveys will now have their own page for people to view without them being posted on the main page. Hopefully I will be back tomorrow with some new pics for you all.