Punished Brats Has………. PAJAMAS!!!

Pretty girls in pretty pajamas with pretty red bottoms 🙂

1 comment to Punished Brats Has………. PAJAMAS!!!

  • Anonymous

    A girl friend who, like me was spanked at home suggested I look at your blog! The paddle spankings bring back painful memmories and started about 7 years ago!Mum's was bought in Orlando and one evening in a Gift shop on International drive she found quite a few hanging up!!My face was scarlet as my bum often was after that as we went to the checkout!A lady gave us a knowing smile and Mum laughed! I was 16 at the time and it replaced the slipper and often her cane! It really hurt! My btm and backs of my thighs were the targets and I could not sit down comfortably for a while! I was spanked until I was nearly 20 and even then some times shed a few tears !Nice blog Mandy